Bits & Pieces (It’s Saturday Night and I’m Feelin’ All Right)

Yes, I’m doing this on Friday. I pre-plan. So what?

First, a History of Apple Design.

You remember the Apple II’s team answer to the Macintosh? Or was the Macintosh Job’s answer to The Lisa? Anyway, I’m referring to The Lisa. It was very Macintosh-y, compatible with much Apple II software, and offered two drives. 
Man, I would have loved to have had one of those 20th Anniversary Macs, back in the day. Gotta love that startup chime.
Next, stuff Apple prototyped but never produced. The slideshow starts around 45 seconds in. Wish they had made some of that stuff.

Someone may need to publish this for me, I’m going to be busy all Saturday. Just FYI. — KW

In Praise of Conflict History

The sins of the internet are of course legion. Many if not all of those sins should be forgiven on account of Conflict History, an interactive website endeavoring to record all conflicts in human history.
As I understand it, the site is still in the beta stage. I have some vague notion of what that means and a clear understanding that the site is just stunning. Choose a period of time ,966-0971 for example, and the site will list the conflicts that occurred and locate them on a world map.
Well worth a butcher’s.
Conflict History

Stepping away from The Pledge

Back in July, Tom Coburn raised some eyebrows when he suggested on C-Span that tax increases couldn’t be avoided forever in solving the debt problem. Coburn said:

“I would rather fix the country and lose a battle with Grover Norquist than send our country down the tubes and pay attention to a point of view that is just suicide,” Coburn said. “And the fact is that there’s a lot of ways to enhance the revenue to the federal government. Reforming the tax code is a way to do it but we have to get $4 trillion.”

Not unexpectedly, Grover was less than pleased with Coburn’s stance, and replied:

“The Republican leadership in the House have made it very clear that if Coburn continues to be for tax increases, he’s by his lonesome on that and nobody else has joined him.”

Over the summer recess, a few GOP congressmen were confronted at town hall meetings with constituents about signing Grover Norquist’s tax pledge. Freshman Chris Gibson from NY, Lee Terry from Nebraska, Rick Berg of North Dakota, and Dan Lundgren-CA, all faced constituents questioning their signing The Pledge.

Looks now like Grover is losing a little more support.

Senator John Thune of South Dakota suggested that antitax pledges ought to be revisited, because they can be interpreted too broadly in closing loopholes or eliminating tax deductions. “We shouldn’t be bound by something that could be interpreted different ways if what we’re trying to accomplish is broad-based tax reform,” he said.

“There is pledge fatigue,” said Representative Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska, who signed the Norquist pledge when he first ran for office in 2004 but has since jettisoned his support. “Many Americans are very cynical about the motives of politicians, so they want something harder to be able to believe in a person. But the pledge turns the power over to someone else to interpret whether what you did was right or wrong and limits your creativity.”

Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, who also signed it, said in an interview: “I’ve signed more pledges than I should have over the years. All of us ought to be somewhat reluctant to make these pledges. I think people who have been here longer do fewer.”

All the GOP POTUS candidates have signed Grover’s tax pledge with one exception: Jon Huntsman. From where I sit, he’s the only one who got it right when he said: I’d love to get everybody to take a pledge to take no more pledges.”