Happy Labor Day

labor day

I’ve always been rather partial to Labor Day.  When I was a kid we started school the Tuesday after.  It was sort of summer’s Last Hurrah.  The kids here have already been in school for two weeks.  The pool’s exceedingly pleasant right now though and it’s been hotter and muggier than any other time this summer so we’re lighting up the barbeque and enjoying one more swim party with the kids and a few neighbors.  We brought back smoked albacore and salmon yesterday from one of our favorite restaurants in Carlsbad.  Walter’s barbequing ribs for the meat eaters and I’m making a fancy pasta salad and barbequed corn and of course watermelon and homemade peach ice cream.  Everyone brings their own drinks and so I never know how wild things will get.   Tomorrow I start working on last years taxes……………boo hoo.

Happy Labor Day everyone!

14 Responses

  1. Wow, this woman is truly amazing. I’m an open water swimmer but I cannot imagine doing this. The most I ever swam was about 3 miles and that was when I was much younger. She’s on track to reach FL from Cuba today after swimming 112 miles…………crazy. There’s sharks in those waters.



    • lms:

      If you are around, CNN has a livestream of Nyad getting close. She should do it very soon.

      Looks like she could just stand up and walk in at this point. That’s how close she is.


  2. A different take on Labor Day…we don’t need this quasi-Canadian, crypto-Communist holiday.


  3. Scott, I missed your livestream but caught her on the news last night. Amazing, really.


  4. Here’s a little more about Nyad’s swim. Over 100 miles and almost 53 hours in the water.



  5. I guess 60 is the new 20

    Hah, not for all of us unfortunately. My granddaughter taught me a new way to get across the pool that strengthens your core yesterday. Something she picked up in water polo practice. I could only manage two laps at a time…………..hahaha

    Mark, try this………….On your back with your feet out of the water and propel yourself forward using only your arms.


    • Mark, try this

      I will, this week. But I don’t think I will be able to do it without a floatation device wrapped around my midsection.


  6. I’m glad he’s seeking Congressional support but I wonder if he’ll get it and what will happen if/when he doesn’t. Interesting.

    (Reuters) – After putting a decision to launch military strikes on Syria into the hands of Congress, President Barack Obama is doing what his critics have long accused him of failing to do: reaching out, personally and aggressively, to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

    While top lieutenants including Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry lobby their former congressional colleagues, Obama is making individual calls himself to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to press his case for action.

    What Obama has not done since he made his announcement on Saturday is appeal to the public, which both Democrats and Republicans say will be crucial as polls show little enthusiasm for U.S. military action anywhere.

    The stakes for the president are high – and the arguments being made in support of a ‘yes’ vote from Congress are making them even higher.



  7. Juan Cole has an interesting proposition.

    Now that we’re in the 21st century, moreover, it is time to cease using the supposedly macho language of violence in response to political challenges. Tossing a couple of Tomahawk cruise missiles on a few government facilities in Damascus is not going to deter the Syrian government from using chemical weapons, and it will not affect the course of the war. Sonni Efron, a former State Department official and now a senior government fellow at Human Rights First, has argued that the United States and Europe could have a much more effective impact by announcing that in response to the Baath provocation they were going to close the loopholes that allow Syrian banks to continue to interface with world financial institutions. This strategy would involve threatening third-party sanctions on Russian banks that provide Damascus with a financial backdoor. A united U.S.-EU push on this front would be far more consequential for the Syrian government than a limited military strike.



  8. i’m a big fan of crossfit. we have all ages, as you can scale it to your strength and ability.

    example – tonight, i’ll be doing 5 rounds of the following with 115 pounds:

    5 Rounds:
    6 Power Cleans
    6 Front Squats
    6 Shoulder to Overhead
    6 Back Squats
    6 Lunges

    just drop weight/reps as needed.


  9. NoVA: Do you have a substitute for lunges? It’s too easy for me to torque my knees if I try to do them.


  10. hmm. i’d ask a coach/trainer … but my guess is that the recommendation would be 1) drop the bar and just do the lunge without the weigh.

    or, if that’s no good, do a box step-up. 12 or 20 inch box. step up, step down.

    see http://www.roguefitness.com/steel-plyoboxes.php


Be kind, show respect, and all will be right with the world.