Happy Labor Day

labor day

I’ve always been rather partial to Labor Day.  When I was a kid we started school the Tuesday after.  It was sort of summer’s Last Hurrah.  The kids here have already been in school for two weeks.  The pool’s exceedingly pleasant right now though and it’s been hotter and muggier than any other time this summer so we’re lighting up the barbeque and enjoying one more swim party with the kids and a few neighbors.  We brought back smoked albacore and salmon yesterday from one of our favorite restaurants in Carlsbad.  Walter’s barbequing ribs for the meat eaters and I’m making a fancy pasta salad and barbequed corn and of course watermelon and homemade peach ice cream.  Everyone brings their own drinks and so I never know how wild things will get.   Tomorrow I start working on last years taxes……………boo hoo.

Happy Labor Day everyone!

Labor Day Open Thread

I love this quote from the US DOL:

The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.

With so many people out of work this Labor Day and an election on the horizon I think most of us are a little more apprehensive this year than other years in the more distant past.  Regardless, I always love Labor Day as the end of a long hot summer of  beaches, swimming, busy work days, sleepovers with the grand kids and the transition to making plans for the Fall.

I’m about ready to go out and tear out the rest of my summer garden and will plant the Fall one in two weeks.  We’ll swim another few weeks here and then I’ll switch to the high school pool as it’s heated year round and ours will begin to cool as the nights get colder.  We had our last big beach trip this weekend, the grand kids are back in school and our youngest just left this morning to finish writing her thesis and so we won’t see her again until Christmas.

Here in our local community is the big (we like to think of it that way) fair and a parade down Main Street.  At the fair we still have displays of quilts, canned goods, arts and crafts and the 4H Club will show off their ribbon winning animals and cute bunnies and baby chicks.  It’s always a reminder to me of the way things were when I was growing up and that those values are still alive and well in pockets of America.

Wishing all of you a happy Labor Day and hoping you’ve all enjoyed the last real break in what appears to be a heated campaign season.   Haaaaahaaaaa, I’m rested and have my boxing gloves on so watch out…………. just kidding.