Bits & Pieces (Wednesday Night Open Mic)

The days fly by. Already hump day, and I haven’t finished the stuff I meant to get done on Monday.

Startfire Sure Wears Less Clothes Than She Did When I Read Teen Titans (of course, she's not in the Teen Titans anymore).

The 5 Most Ridiculously Sexists Superhero Costumes.

Scientists say sugar is as toxic as alcohol, and there should be a drinking age for soda.

Some fly-by-night web startup called Facebook filed their IPO, which values the company at $100 zillion dollars.

Republicans direct police to detain documentary crew to keep them from filing a hearing on natural gas. Oh, that doesn’t make them look like a collect group of mustache-twirling Snidely Whiplashes.

And right under that on Dvorak, do you think Big Brother should be watching everybody? Well, now there’s an app for that.

Back to Starfire. How would someone even wear something like that? It would have to be painted on. Sheesh.

That’s it. Blessing and karma to all! — KW