Morning Report: China cuts rates 10/23/15

Stocks are higher this morning after China cut interest rates. Bonds and MBS are down.

Definitely a risk-on feel to the markets after yesterday’s torrid rally. China’s easing and yesterday’s comments from the ECB regarding further QE are putting green on the screen. All of this stimulus is going to make it harder for the Fed to raise rates.  Economists are beginning to warn of a global recession.

China’s official growth rate is just shy of the government’s 7% goal. Nobody actually believes that number however – estimates by foreign economists are closer to 3%.

The Markit US Manufacturing PMI rose in October.

The House Financial Services Committee spent some time yesterday looking at the future of HUD. The hearing looked at how HUD could help people escape poverty instead of simply pushing people to build more affordable housing. HUD has been very aggressive in suing local communities to change their zoning laws.

19 Responses

  1. TGIFrist!

    Happy Friday to all, and have a great weekend. May all the correct teams win!


  2. Beat me while I was posting on another article!

    … so, Goose. You looking forward to the inevitability of President Trump in 2016? 🙂


  3. BWAhahahahahahahahaha!!!!



  4. Things are back to normal with Dr. Cowbell.


  5. Good piece by Charles Pierce putting Paul Ryan and the Speakership in context going back to 1910 and Joseph Cannon.


  6. Speaking of media bias at the NYT, I gleaned this bit of wisdom from the NYTs coverage of the liberal victory in Canadia:

    “For much of the 78-day race, all three major political parties were in a statistical dead heat, according to various polls. Canadians only vote for members of Parliament, not the prime minister or parties, making it difficult to translate poll findings. And Mr. Harper won the three previous elections without ever exceeding 40 percent of the popular vote.”

    Nowhere is it mentioned that the Liberals won with .1 percent less of the vote of the popular vote than the conservatives one with in 2011. Yet, apropos of nothing, it was necessary to add that Mr. Harper won the three previous elections without ever exceeding 40 percent of the popular vote . . . the exact same way Trudeau won last week (which they fail to mention).


  7. obama’s DOJ concludes Lois Lerner didn’t do anything criminal

    what a shock


  8. Phony scandal, AmIRight?




    A Whiter Shade of Candidate

    **DO NOT READ**


  10. Can’t wait till the State decides someone needs a sex change regardless of what that person wants.


  11. @mcwing: “Can’t wait till the State decides someone needs a sex change regardless of what that person wants.”

    It will be a while, if ever. What’s going to happen first in mandatory hormone/testerone-supression therapy in order to reduce crime and make the fallible half of the population (the male half) more sensitive and enlightened.


    • What’s going to happen first in mandatory hormone/testerone-supression therapy in order to reduce crime and make the fallible half of the population (the male half) more sensitive and enlightened.

      I will get to plead old age, right?


  12. BTW, anyone else think it odd that climate change caused the worst hurricane ever in the history of the world, and it did almost no damage?


  13. What have I been saying?

    And if and when the Fed should decide it really needs to raise rates, there’s that $18 trillion-and-growing pile of debt waiting to prison-rape American public finances.

    This is why they’re not going up in any meaningful way. Ever.

    f interest rates on the federal debt should return to their level in 1995 — not some weird exotic point in the past but back in the Clinton years — then we’re going to be paying $1.4 trillion a year just in interest on the existing debt; which is to say, interest payments alone will account for 45 percent of all federal taxes that will be collected in 2015.


    • McWing:

      f interest rates on the federal debt should return to their level in 1995 — not some weird exotic point in the past but back in the Clinton years — then we’re going to be paying $1.4 trillion a year just in interest on the existing debt; which is to say, interest payments alone will account for 45 percent of all federal taxes that will be collected in 2015.

      Raise the debt ceiling!


  14. It will be a while, if ever. What’s going to happen first in mandatory hormone/testerone-supression therapy in order to reduce crime and make the fallible half of the population (the male half) more sensitive and enlightened.

    It’s like your channeling Justice Bader Ginsburg.

    “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”


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