Bits & Pieces (Tuesday Night Zilch)

I got nuthin’, nuthin’ I tell you. Some industrious moderator, please edit this post and add a link to a funny story from The Onion, preferably with pictures. Thanks!

— KW

Even The Onion didn’t have a whole lot going on, Kevin, but here you go:
Governor Romney’s watch is missing:

“I pledge to every single Hispanic-American—whether you came here from Mexico to start a new life for your family or fled the brutality of Castro’s Cuba—that if my watch is put back in its rightful place in the next two hours, I will consider the matter closed and no one will be the wiser.” With the watch still not returned at press time, Romney begged the nation’s Hispanics, “Please don’t make me call the—how do you say it? El policío? La policía? The appropriate authorities.”

And I don’t think I’ve linked to this video before:


42 Responses

  1. luv these videos, ‘Goose.


  2. I’m sure everyone will be shocked to discover that Romney has won Florida.


  3. Michi, you’re going to want to read this. I haven’t read the entire thing or chased down the links but I wanted to share it with you to see what you thought.


  4. I’m not Michi, but this seems shocking to me.


  5. I heard the news about the Komen foundation defunding Planned Parenthood. They’re a big partner with USBC, the amateur bowling association. The fall-out could be interesting. Meanwhile, I’ll plan to make my first donation to PP this year.



  6. If they aren’t having PP do it, where’s Race for the Cure going to put that money?


  7. I mentioned Michi because she’s heavily involved in the Race for the Cure and wondered what she thought or knew. I agree with you guys, I was shocked and disappointed. PP has really taken a hit the last couple of years and honestly, I don’t understand it at all. So much of their work has so little to do with abortion and is so important for women and men as well.

    I’m somewhat fascinated by this kind of linear thinking. Is there never any kind of beneficial trade off that outweighs the perceived negative?


  8. lms and mark–

    Sadly, it doesn’t surprise me terribly much. Our Komen Affiliate here in UT has never (to the best of my knowledge) given a grant to local Planned Parenthood clinics due to the political pressure, and Komen–on a national level–has made other funding and outreach decisions that I have disagreed bitterly with. The fact is that Nancy Brinker and the Komen HQ are ultra-conservative Texas Christians; there’s a reason that HQ is in Dallas.

    OTOH, if this scares up enough outrage, the decision will be quietly reversed–you can’t raise $$$ if you’re pissing enough people off, and the fact is that they’ve been wildly successful at raising money while also giving grants to Planned Parenthood. If they see a fall-off in donations, and the PP thing is cited as the reason often enough (or if somebody manages to keep it in the news), it’ll change.

    Some of their political stands over the years have made me reconsider three or four times whether or not to stay involved. The founder of the SLC race is a staunch pro-choice Democrat and I imagine she’s already talking to people in Dallas about how this isn’t the smartest move they’ve ever made. Also, other than Nancy Brinker herself, turnover at the top positions at HQ is enormously high, so chances are that the VP responsible for this decision will be gone in a couple of years, anyway.


  9. Kevin:

    where’s Race for the Cure going to put that money?

    Every Komen Affiliate collects grant proposals yearly and rank-orders them for funding. Those 19 PP affiliates that won’t be getting grants this year will see the $$$ go to other local efforts to do mammograms/breast cancer education. These are the ones we’re funding here in SLC this year.


  10. BTW, Scott, for an Ayn Rand quotation that’s pretty noncontroversial! 🙂


  11. Hello to all and thanks for all the info. The Komen situation reminds me of United Way under political pressure discontinuing funding of PP, back in the early 90’s maybe.

    Sadly, this likely will be a drive-by for me. Work is eating me up at the moment, and will for a while yet. Hope to be here a bit next weekend because I do have several things I want to follow up on, e.g., OKSCt recently took original jurisdiction of two mortgage foreclosures won by Deutsche Bank on summary judgment but remanded with instruction due to robosigning defects. And mark, I don’t believe I ever thanked you for the updated link on evaluation of NDAA detention provisions; I’m still looking into that. And, my university today announced a proposed plan for dealing with the rising cost of retiree health benefits; they touted some shocking numbers and I’m going to come out on the short end of it under the proposed plan. I mention that because I think it is something coming for an awful lot of folks in the near future.


  12. Thanks for the info Michi, just so you know I’ll still be supporting Race for the Cure here in CA. I just can’t believe they’re being so both politically motivated and short sighted. We just sent off over the past week or so, quite a few pink visors, headbands and wristbands from work as well. A lot of our customers are involved so we make the donations every year. It’s tempting to rethink that though.


  13. Let X = X -— Laurie Anderson


  14. Hi Okie, check in when you can of course. Pensions are taking a beating here as well, and the State University system. Good luck on that.


  15. Thanks, lms. This isn’t pension to me, it’s insurance coverage provided to retirees regardless of any retirement plan one has chosen. It’s going to change significantly, and I will be one year of service on the wrong side, i.e., I will have a significantly lower percentage of cost of insurance provided by the retirement plan. They are phasing it in because so many hired on under a different policy. But they have to do something or we’ll end up with nothing IMO.


  16. Oh I see you said health benefits….sorry. Even more difficult in some ways right? I’ve discovered here with our Fire Department that that’s where they’re taking the biggest hit also. We’re trying to budget health care and insurance expenses around here ourselves. I just found out that even when my husband goes on Medicare next year, I still have to pay $500/mo for his supplemental insurance in order to keep my small group coverage for the two years I’m behind him, unless something else pops first from ACA. Sometimes we feel like we’ll never be able to retire.


  17. Let X = X -— Laurie Anderson

    LOL, Kevin!

    I’ve been reading comments on a few websites (some neutral, some left-leaning) about the Komen decision, and if people really follow through on their threats Komen is getting an earful and losing donors small and large-ish. I predict it will quietly be reversed.

    I also found out that at least one person believes that cancer is a fungus. That was a new one on me–he claimed it could be cured with coconut oil and hydrogen peroxide. Whew!


  18. lms: Sometimes we feel like we’ll never be able to retire.

    YES. And for me, health care is the big ass wild card in that calculation. This new policy has a huge impact on me.


  19. michi, lmao on coconut oil and peroxide. I mentioned the similarity I saw with United Way, and I have not given a cent to United Way since that time, while working for several employers who put tremendous pressure on to “participate.”


  20. Right there with you, okie–that was the end of my contributing to United Way, also, and instead a direct funneling of my contributions to PP, a local Native American charity, avalanche/rescue dogs, the National Wildlife Federation, Southern Poverty Law Center and. . . . drumroll, please.

    The ACLU. Yes, I am a proud card-carrying member. I can only imagine how shocked Scott, qb, and Kevin are.

    To be perfectly honest, I don’t contribute $$$ to Komen, either, just my time.


  21. Mich:

    BTW, Scott, for an Ayn Rand quotation that’s pretty noncontroversial!

    Gotta start with the basics. Believe it or not, everything flows from this simple truism. From “A is A” to “I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

    Maybe you’re not ready for that one quite yet.


  22. Maybe you’re not ready for that one quite yet

    I object to it mainly on the basis of purple prose. . . 🙂


  23. I can only imagine how shocked Scott, qb, and Kevin are.

    I am scandalized by this shocking revelation!

    Nothing wrong with being a member of the ACLU. Even stopped clocks are right twice a day. 😉


  24. “I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

    I am not in the least tiny way moved by that. Sorry. It does explain the fascination with liberty though.


  25. I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

    A Randian sentiment I feel some sympathy for, though I imagine she would not have been a very nurturing parent. 😉


    • Kevin:

      though I imagine she would not have been a very nurturing parent.

      At least she knew herself, and never had kids. But can you imagine?


  26. Ah freedom and liberty, what great concepts.

    As for me I tend to come down on Kris Kristofferson’s side…

    “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,”


  27. Michi,

    The ACLU. Yes, I am a proud card-carrying member. I can only imagine how shocked Scott, qb, and Kevin are.

    Wow what a relief! I’m not the only pinko, commie, tree hugging, bed wetting, liberal here.


    • ruk:

      Wow what a relief! I’m not the only pinko, commie, tree hugging, bed wetting, liberal here.

      Hey, Mich is no bed-wetter.


  28. Yeah, but what about A is A?

    A is A works as a mathematical equation. Other than that, not so much. Wouldn’t it be great and easy if life was so simple?


    • lms:

      A is A works as a mathematical equation. Other than that, not so much.

      Actually, it is a fundamental axiom of reason and logic. The Law of Identity. Without it, rational discussions about reality and its nature become impossible.


  29. Scott:

    Yeah, but what about A is A?

    Without the quotation marks, I initially read your question as an existential inquiry into the qualities of A that make it “A.” Something a little more complicated than Rand was proposing, I think.


    • Mike:

      I initially read your question as an existential inquiry into the qualities of A that make it “A.”

      In that case, the proper answer, I suppose, is: everything.


  30. scott

    Like I was saying, too bad neither life nor liberty are always axioms of reason and logic. There is that grey area where reality and logic cross paths and causes us (me anyway) to question “where’s the logic in that?”


    • lms:

      too bad neither life nor liberty are always axioms of reason and logic.

      Or ever, for that matter.

      There is that grey area where reality and logic cross paths and causes us (me anyway) to question “where’s the logic in that?”

      I often wonder what the logic is in what some people think or do. But apart from that, what about reality do you think is not logical?


  31. Scott

    Hey, Mich is no bed-wetter.

    Dare I ask how you know that? 🙂


  32. At least she knew herself, and never had kids. But can you imagine?

    She definitely would have been a tiger mom. 🙂


  33. ruk:

    Dare I ask how you know that?

    My guess would be that it’s a supposition on his part based on the unfailing wisdom and maturity of my comments.



  34. Scott:

    what about reality do you think is not logical?

    Flightless water fowl? Platypuses (platypi?)? Rules of pluralization and verb conjugation in English?


    • Mike:

      Flightless water fowl?

      Actually I think things that can fly are a lot more inexplicable than things that can’t.


  35. Scott

    My point is that rational discussions about reality are nearly always impossible. Reason and logic work in mathematical computations and established laws of nature, but not when applied to the nature of human beings and the reality of their circumstances. Perhaps we’re discussing two entirely different dynamics here…….wouldn’t be the first time.


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